• GadgeteerZA
    42 years ago

    True, it’s how I could afford to go on early retirement at 55 and not work again. I have no idea how my daughter one day is going to do that, as gone are the days of working for one employer and relying on actually getting a pension. I suppose there will be some companies doing that, but then it has to be a more traditional business that is able to survive for decades too…

    • @gyrfalcon@beehaw.orgOPM
      42 years ago

      I think there is still a lot career paths that people would call traditional between working at the same company for your entire working life and starting your own business. At least I sure hope so, as someone about to switch jobs just 2.5 years into their career.

      • GadgeteerZA
        32 years ago

        I should add in my own case though although it was technically one company (unbroken pension contributions) I did a variety of different things, and when I went into IT I started at desktop support, then network admin, then programming, then quality assurance, and ended at client management. So I suppose can work for one company and get a variety of different experience and even move between branches in different cities. So I switched roles every 3 to 4 years apart from the last stint.