'Not sure when or when this was. Just stumbled upon it on Imjur.

    • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I’m not forgetting that at all, I’m saying that they are so actually unpopular that even voter suppression they’ve done and continue to do will likely not be enough in the current conditions.

      Also, in a traditional sense, we can’t really say the economy is not doing well. Record job growth/creation, record low unemployment, strong market, etc. The places the economy is not doing well are related to wealth inequality which is not solely, but primarily a result of republican trickle down policy for the last 40 years and them eroding the middle class at every turn.

      At basically any other time, Biden’s presidency would be considered a rampant success, especially after the sheer destruction of the last admin. If he doesn’t coast to reelection, I’d probably blame that primarily on the amount of propaganda that starts at Fox and manages to propagate out.

      • Stovetop@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Just be careful. It’s easy to see all of the political discourse occurring online and become convinced that they don’t stand a chance. Even in the last election, an incredibly concerning number of people still voted for Trump and will absolutely do so again.

        Unless the man is disqualified, drops out, or dies, it’s still going to be a bitter fight just like 2020. We just have to pray that the tendency for middle of the aisle voters to flip flop every time the economy takes a downturn is reduced this time around given all of the controversy around Emperor Cheeto.

        • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          oh, on that front I 1000% agree. My main fear is that the narrative tanks Biden’s re-election and we end up with one of the fascists, and I guess the point is that we can’t continue to allow that type of thing to go unchecked and expect it not to. Unfortunately, it’s mostly narrative that decides elections rather than facts.

        • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          … which are caused by Republican policies. The catalyst for the massive inflation was a pandemic that was absurdly mis-managed by republicans. The low participation rate is any number of things that republicans have been blocking for decades.