I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.

  • Hamartiogonic
    1 year ago

    I’ve been tracking my time with Toggl, so I can answer that with surprising amount of detail and confidence.

    I took my time data from 2022, and made a bunch of calculations with it. The results are: 3:41-7:52 hours per day. The median and average were both 5:54. Ooh, looks like this data might actually follow the normal distribution after all! Anyway, that range covers 80% of the distribution, so extremely short and long days fall in the 20% that’s outside of that range.

    In this calculation I’ve counted as working all the meetings, casual chitchat, normal work, organizing and all the random administration clutter. Commutes, lunches and time wasted in social media time don’t count as work.