browsing through All has so much pro-fascist posts coming from lemmygrad that it drowns out all the other instances. I’m surprised they’re even federated by default but we should have an option to block instances from All if lemmy is deadset on federating with them just because they are fascists with a red and yellow flag…

(before the Tankies start posting about how they aren’t pro-fascism “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy” which all describe the Z movement in Russia they gleefully support in multiple posts)

    2 years ago

    Nationalism and leftism are not incompatible, if you think they aren’t then you’ve got a lot of theory to read because you must also be against every single anti-colonial movement that has ever happened in history, you must also be against Palestinian liberation, you must also have been against Irish liberation, etc etc etc.

    You must do class analysis on the character of a thing before you demonise it. One form of nationalism is nationalism with a bourgeoise class character - america, britain, the entire west. Another form of nationalism is nationalism with a proletarian class character. Supporting proletarian nationalism is good, supporting bourgeoise nationalism is bad.

    National liberation movements and decolonialism has relied HEAVILY on proletarian nationalism and unless you’re going to advocate that those things have been bad and you’d prefer massive genocides then you should pretty much shut the fuck up and stop demonstrating how little you read.