• @snek_boi@lemmy.ml
    52 years ago

    Interesting question. It both spurs discussion and shows you’ve thought about this topic. What do you think? :)

  • @lisko
    42 years ago

    There is a lot of subjectivity when it comes to defining what is conservative or not. A conservative position in one country might be considered liberal in another country. (Here I’m just using the world “liberal” as an antonym for conservative.) Because of this it’s hard to come up with a general principle of how popular politics and conservatism might correlate. Perhaps if we posit, that a conservative position, is any position that has been previously well-established in society and politics, then you could guess that popular positions become conservative ones by definition.

    • liwott
      12 years ago

      Here I’m just using the world “liberal” as an antonym for conservative.

      “progressive” is the word you were looking for 😀

      • @lisko
        12 years ago

        Yes that might be more up to date. I think liberal can still carry a connotation of not being conservative, without the connotation progressive carries of being socialist.

  • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    Do you mean populist politics? That is, politics that frames itself as being against an elite that has failed the people? If so, absolutely not.

  • 10_0
    12 years ago

    In the U.S, UK context it seems to me that the biggest divide is between the city and the countryside. In the U.S a main point is on gun control, and in the UK it seems like a cultural difference in my experience.