but not Japanese culture… artwork… copyright…
even when Ubi were confronted with their infringement, they simply said they were sorry but they won’t undo any of it…
only because the trademark owner wasn’t a huge corporation with 1000s of lawyers…
that’s just uncivilized. never forgiving that.
What a racist game. We have a foreign studio openly disrespecting another to the point where it seems that they couldn’t tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese culture while having interviews where they claim to be doing the opposite. Imagine being so uninterested in African culture that you’d rather create a black Samurai than set a story in an ancient African city that’s not Egypt.
What does that have to do with plants and hills?
Why should we care about how much effort they put into their weather system if they couldn’t be arsed to get the get the fundamentals right. It just comes off as deflection.
Fundamentals of what? Botanics?