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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • Piracy and Adblock shouldn’t be the default because ultimately you need to evaluate how much money is being shared with people working on media you’re consuming. Some American YouTuber isn’t really someone you want to punish when it’s the elites that you have to be concerned about. YouTube in general seems okay for most of the creators compensation-wise compared to alternatives. Maybe pay for that YouTube Premium and watch European channels so that get more funds for their operations?

    I’ll add an important distinction before I’m eaten alive. If you can’t afford it, pirate it, no questions asked. Obviously there’s also a matter of convenience and big media companies have been fighting relentless war against it for the last couple of years. I tried to pay for everything I consume but had to fall back to my Usenet setup for downloads so often that I just stopped trying for things like shows and movies.

  • Or, he recognises that arctic and subarctic territories are going to be worth much more in the future because of global warming. Trump is a major scatterbrain but in general it looks like he’s acting impulsively based on pieces of trivia, some of them being correct. Not that I agree with proposed solution to the issue but not everything he does is entirely dumb and those are very rarely inconsistent with his own interests.