My link for this was deleted. Huh. I didn’t see this earier.
I’m getting an impression that lemmy.world federation has been super slow recently.
My link for this was deleted. Huh. I didn’t see this earier.
I’m getting an impression that lemmy.world federation has been super slow recently.
It doesn’t try to cater to everyone and there might be controversial design choices. This can mean anything from something great and ahead of time to absolute horrors of user interface design [link removed] depending on your perspective and a particular app in question. I really like what Photon does and how polished it is but it’s definitely not for me.
I think you’ve convinced me, I’m voting for fascists next. I’ll block you first though. Goodbye!
I don’t seem to be talking to a person. Oh well.
You’re not exactly original in whatever you are doing. I’ve seen it before - it doesn’t accomplish whatever you’re trying to accomplish. You should focus on making an argument that’s going to convince people who aren’t already convinced. Calling Trump a nazi makes you feel good about yourself and not much more.
There’s plenty of arcade games with vertical screens although usually that’s 3:4 screen aspect ratio.
I don’t like Trump but I like words to have constant meaning so that we can keep communicating efficiently. There is no way to honestly argue that man is a nazi unless you stretch and twist what this term stands for. If you’re doing that just so a different kind of capitalists can win then that’s doubly insulting.
Good luck. You’re doing everything the same way as other countries who already fell to post-truth populism and rage when being told so.
FSR4 is available for GPUs that can’t do DLSS. GPUs that can do DLSS transformer model are very expensive. Console gamers will appreciate that next gen won’t look like poop.
If you play games with FSR3 (which is commonly used on consoles) then you know what’s being shown on those screens even when resized into a post stamp. FSR3 dithers and smudges this kind of detail terribly and it’s much worse when seen in motion. There are some examples that capture it better even in a still frame due to consistent nature of motion:
(Yes, this really affects the shape of a waterfall lol)
I think it’s important to recognise the role of capital in how this particular tyrant was brought upon, otherwise people might get the idea that voting for Democrats could solve anything.
deleted by creator
Trump is not a nazi. Fascists subjugated corporations to serve the state, this is the other way around.
He’s filthy rich now that he’s running a crypto scam for taking in bribes, so I wouldn’t say those are handlers rather than revenue streams. Other people are not in control of Trump, he’s a human wrecking ball that confuses theatre for politics, similar to general population that elected him.
I don’t go by still frames in this context, otherwise I’d believe that a gay leader of one of the polish liberal parties is a nazi too.
I don’t think this can come from tech media at all, the system is rotten to the core because of ads and widely accepted sloppiness. The only reason they’re looking to diversify is that new gadgets are no longer that different from last year’s gadgets and AI bubble is about to burst.
Good journalism could still come but people will have to accept it won’t come free.
That’s like reverse nationalism, both being silly. Why would anyone be ashamed of something that wasn’t their decision? Chin up and live your life mate!
Most of tech media are not journalists, they sell gadgets and stocks. Most of American tech media were a Democratic Party blogs during US presidential election cycle already. Brace yourselves for even more low quality partisan poo-slinging.
Yeah, tipping is an alternative.
LTT decline is another topic entirely, I unsubscribed and marked all channels as „don’t recommend” after they stole engineering sample from some small company (which was after they „reviewed” it with incomparable hardware).
Eh, don’t bully some random developer that created an app few people like. It was made for weirdos and those weirdos must appreciate having their own app.