• andrewta@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    While that company has dropped a lot in value, let’s look at the deals that the US government is giving it for infrastructure. Let’s look at the factthat more and more people are buying electronic vehicles or I should say electric vehicles. Let’s look at where the Highpoint was for that stock and let’s look at where it is now. I don’t think the companies at a buy point yet. I do think it might be getting close to a buy a point. If they got rid of Elon Musk, people might be interested in buying those cars again. I could see that stock suddenly taking a jump in .

    There is another item look at each individual day of that stock going back even over two months. Don’t look from one day into the next look at an individual day any day in the last two months. That stock will take a dip and then it will rise. So if you’re willing to sit in front of your computer, wait for the dip buy then sell it as soon as rises you should be able to make a bit of money. Now I’m I’m about ready to go into work so I can’t do the math to see what sort of percentage gain you would be looking at. On a day-to-day basis I mean. But just looking at a couple of days, you could be looking at one or 2% gain each time. And you don’t need to hit the absolute bottom and you don’t have to the absolute top , you’ll never do that. Just catch it at what you believe to be a low point set the sell point like 1.5 1.6% above that. It looks like that makes that change fairly quick from low to high. So you really wouldn’t have to be there that long.

    Am I saying you should do that right now today not really. But for some easy gains it might be something you wanna look at. For long-term investing, I would say hold off until they get rid of musk… I would not hold that stock from one day into the next you’ll never see your money. But hey one or 2% a day is not bad returns.

    • EightBitBlood@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      Tesla spent two decades building it’s brand only to lose world wide appeal in a matter of weeks.

      There is a very clear trend in what Elon touches turning to shit.

      X is clearly not recovering to its previous highs.

      And Tesla is likely now fucked too.

      Simply because neither of these companies have a path forward to reaching the value they had without a worldwide consumer base. Supply and demand determine value and both of these companies shifted their demand base from billions of people world wide to millions of people brainwashed in the US.

      The active consumer base for both products is now American, and only so much value can be extracted from Americans compared to the entire world.

      Add in a pending US economic crisis to that smaller user base of both companies, and there’s absolutley no hope either survive or recover to the value they previously had.

      Invest in either if you want to lose money in the long run. Otherwise short both.

    • Zaktor
      7 days ago

      It still has a P/E ratio well over a hundred, and was already facing a much more competitive market than it had experienced in getting to that point. It was never rising on actual value, just irrational Musk hype, and booting him might save it from complete destruction but isn’t going to rebuild the bubble.

      • andrewta@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Oh I would agree. I doubt we’ll see that kind of climb. I think those days are behind us for Tesla stock. But if they get rid of Elon I think we could see a solid slow steady climb.

        Hopefully the new leader of that company focuses a little (read that as a LOT) more on quality control.