I’ve gone back to constantly being in a lot of pain and struggling with intake as a result. Getting really dehydrated again and once more finding it hard to move.
I don’t want to go back to how sick I used to be -_-
Time to zonk out with some video games and cat antics :)
Finally some air movement outside. Have opened up the house to let the breezes through. Not exactly cool, but the fresh air is welcome.
Just walked into the house after spending the afternoon and evening out. It’s an oven. Cooling on now, but still too hot to sleep. Wish the rain would hurry up and arrive.
Here’s your Saturday night reminder that music is meant to be listened to LOUD.
All day I’ve been under the blankets shivering.
I threw up so hard before that my thumbs locked up and I couldn’t move my hands for 15 minutes.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
That doesn’t sound good. Try and get some electrolytes and fluids in if you can. Sip it slowly.
If your hands locking up are related to electrolyte imbalances causing muscle spasm (especially low calcium) and you can’t keep anything down you might need to go to emergency for iv fluids
Sounds like an awful bug you’ve got.
Hope you feel better soon.
Motivation was 0 today but I vacuumed and mopped everywhere, dusted, cleaned surfaces & sofa, cleaned bathroom, changed the sheets and washed the old sheets. My house really needed the reset.
No way I’m cooking after all that so out for a souvo & beer.
Accidentally took a nap and slept for nearly 4 hours, oops!
At least my headache is mostly gone and I’ll have dinner up and running pretty soon.
Plans for tonight will be to finish watching this last game of footy and then on to Severance and The Rookie.
It’s still disgustingly warm outside, yuck.
and The Rookie.
Happy doggo
Gorgeous photos mate :)
You always have a good eye
ooh nice.
Second one would make an awesome but cruel jigsaw puzzle.
Family-puzzlers birthday coming up. Great idea, thanks
Wow, the stillness of the water is unbelievable - and with so few people around. Great shots.
Beautiful pics, I especially love the first one, it’s poster worthy!
I have spent way too long comparing the prices and qualities of moving boxes. I think Storage King is winning so far. Now I have to try to figure out how many boxes and what size I need. It would nice to be rich enough to afford a full packing service.
When I moved last I think I ended up going with Bunning boxes. I remember storage king were cheap too but Bunnings were nearby.
Storage King are a bit cheaper and do free delivery over $150. Bunnings were 2nd place.
Eco-crate and other hard crate rentable boxes are another option.
Kent sells great boxes too - 30 multipak will do most of a regular 3br. Reader paks if you have a lot of books / paper.
Been trying to fix my partner’s PC. His motherboard keeps giving a 9C error code or gets stuck on that code - which apparently means a usb issue? It happens even when all USBs have been unplugged.
So I swapped the mobo for another one, took me a bit unscrewing the fan and GPU in the way, and unplugging all the bits from the mobo, rearranging the screws on the case so the new (smaller) one fits, got it all back together and turned it on, but it keeps powering off and on.
I forgot to put the CPU in it… 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ I forgot the bloody brains!
Now I have to remove the mobo fan and put the CPU in. I’m having a coffee before I do that lol
I’m having a coffee before I do that
lol after all that I find wine helps seat the cpu, gives a steady hand for the thermal goo and hitting your hand against your forehead hurts less. :)
I was stupid haha it had a CPU! I just forgot to install the sdd to the mobo!
Fucking good on you! You saved more than a few $ being able to do it yourself, that’s for sure. Your partner is lucky to have a clever woman by his side!
Thank you!!! He is extremely grateful, and I’ve been basking in my own cleverness hahaha
And as reward back to your pre alpha game!
back from new house, spent very little time there, no beach or chips, but did meet a nice neighbour
it’s a very small suburb
Had the funniest interaction before.
Saw someone I thought I knew.
He waved back.
Came to chat and I realised I didn’t know him, but he thought he knew me.
Ended up having this sort of funny “how you been bro!” conversation.
Then said our goodbyes and walked off.
I wonder if he realised he didn’t know me either hahaha
OMG I’ve had that with someone before! I was out walking and walking towards me was a guy who looked like the brother of the guy I’d just recently (at the time) broken up with. Having no beef with the bro I thought I’d be civil and say hello. We were both wearing sunglasses and he enthusiastically said hello as well, then we both took off our sunglasses and discovered that neither of us were who the other thought we were lol. We both just couldn’t believe it, it was so weird and random.
I didn’t know what to do so I just kept it going to see what would happen lol
He was a real nice guy haha
Homemade kebabs uugghh…🤤
Absolutely glorious morning for it.
Now a glorious afternoon for wine and cheese in the courtyard!
ohh glassy!