Eh somewhat, In this day and age every symbol has some meaning and most people might not know it. but also trump wouldnt care, he isn’t opposed to nazis.
Agian my comment wasn’t saying trump wasn’t a nazi, just in this one case he, and the author, seemed to not know the meaning of the symbol. but trump would love a toxicly macho army to oppress gays, so he when/if he finds out he wouldn’t care.
This applies just fine to the author, who has presumably not been publicly castigated for using Nazi symbolism, but it does not apply to Trump, who has. So he either is not opposed to Nazis so he didn’t make any effort to avoid repeating the error or intentionally promoting Nazis, and we shouldn’t view those traits as meaningfully different.
I’m sorry, but no. The author, as a journalist, posting to a publication with editors, does not get a pass about using a very, VERY well known symbol of the Holocaust.
Particularly in a time where the comparisons to that era are flying fast and furious, even if they somehow managed to be that poor a student of history that they somehow missed that, they should have taken the time to at least brush up on that period.
The author knew exactly what they posted and their editors who let it through did too.
Eh somewhat, In this day and age every symbol has some meaning and most people might not know it. but also trump wouldnt care, he isn’t opposed to nazis.
Agian my comment wasn’t saying trump wasn’t a nazi, just in this one case he, and the author, seemed to not know the meaning of the symbol. but trump would love a toxicly macho army to oppress gays, so he when/if he finds out he wouldn’t care.
This applies just fine to the author, who has presumably not been publicly castigated for using Nazi symbolism, but it does not apply to Trump, who has. So he either is not opposed to Nazis so he didn’t make any effort to avoid repeating the error or intentionally promoting Nazis, and we shouldn’t view those traits as meaningfully different.
I’m sorry, but no. The author, as a journalist, posting to a publication with editors, does not get a pass about using a very, VERY well known symbol of the Holocaust.
Particularly in a time where the comparisons to that era are flying fast and furious, even if they somehow managed to be that poor a student of history that they somehow missed that, they should have taken the time to at least brush up on that period.
The author knew exactly what they posted and their editors who let it through did too.