Hey folks, time for the monthly post again. What’s everyone been up to?
I’ve not been that active in my cleaning with a side effect of beer-making hobby lately, I am sad to report. But planning perhaps a California lager.
Hey folks, time for the monthly post again. What’s everyone been up to?
I’ve not been that active in my cleaning with a side effect of beer-making hobby lately, I am sad to report. But planning perhaps a California lager.
I’ve been too busy to brew in the past month, but I think I’m now through most of what was taking up all my energy, so it’s planning time!
I did make a second batch of sahti using natural baker’s yeast instead of brewer’s yeast, and I’ve saved a bottle of the brewer’s yeast version so that I can compare the two. I just haven’t sat down to try them side by side yet. I’m quite looking forward to comparing them
Please write a post about the comparison! As well as any differences apart from taste you had in using baker’s yeast.
I’m new to this and one of the things I’ve been wondering about is if I can just use baker’s yeast.
I will do! But as a very brief summary: it worked fine using the same process as normal, tastes different but still good, and stopped fermenting at a pretty low abv (about 2%)