another one is, have you had allergies since you last donated?
i know some people just say to lie for every question. technically they screen every donation, but it’s not supposedly a reliable test for something like HIV.
i’m pretty sure i’m just allergic to reality. sometimes just constant sneezing, even when i’m on an antihistamine.
obviously best to just be aware of one’s behavior and risk factors. do they do this just avoid liability?
People say this? I’ve never heard anyone donating blood say this, and I personally would say that all precautions taken by the professionals that collect blood donations should be taken very seriously. It’s not, at the end of the day, up to me to be the judge of what is or isn’t a condition serious enough that my blood shouldn’t be accepted. I’ll give the professionals as much information as possible, and then let them judge whether or not it is safe to give my blood to someone else.
I would never even dream of lying in order to donate blood, when that could end up actively harming someone, and I honestly cannot see the argument in favour of doing that. The whole point of donating blood is helping people.
Some people just want to watch the world burn
I really wouldn’t be surprised that there are people who know they have HIV that try to make blood donations anyway just because.
Sorry, I may sound cynical but I’ve seen so many people pull so much shit for no reason that I’ve sort of lost faith in humanity. It’s like rule 34, call it rule 51, if it’s a shitty thing to do, there will be people doing it just because they think it’s amusing
I should note, they said plasma donation, which in the US are usually places that will pay you for the “donation”. The blood banks also take plasma donations, but I don’t think they will pay. Plasma donation is something that seems to be marketed to people that are just barely getting by. And so people lying about their conditions tend to make more sense, as they are just trying to find ways to make ends meet, or have just a little bit of money to spend after expenses.
This makes sense to me, I was thinking of the situation where I’m from, where you don’t get much more than a pat on the back and the good feels of helping out when you donate blood.
It’s honestly kind of insane to me that there is a system in place to get desperate people to literally sell their blood for money… No one should ever be made that desperate :(
I got turned away from selling plasma because I have a prince Albert. Said it was risky behaviour. I had been married for 5+ years at the time, and monogamous for ~10 years with the same woman. Lie on some of the questions.
perhaps you’ve never met someone who was desperate? never been broke and tried to feed a hungry child?
shit’s crazy. there’s an entire micro economy around plasma. whatever is going on in your life, don’t pretend
Ok, so systems for donating blood are different in different places, I get that. Where I’m from, the only benefit you get from donating blood is a thumbs up, pat on the back, and a popsicle or a coffee cup or some other small gift.
donating blood is NOT donating plasma.
blood is probably more valuable, especially if you’re near something crazy, like a war or natural disaster. blood is so valuable it’s insane
plasma, also super valuable, not so immediately helpful to people dying in a war zone
i was literally just asking about mosquito bites what the fuck
To be fair, what yanks call donating plasma is a misnomer. This confuses the rest of the world, who would call it what it actually is: selling plasma.
You also asked if you should lie about safety on stuff to inject into other human beings who need medical aid. That shouldn’t even be a question. Needing money is no excuse to gamble with the lives of others.