another one is, have you had allergies since you last donated?
i know some people just say to lie for every question. technically they screen every donation, but it’s not supposedly a reliable test for something like HIV.
i’m pretty sure i’m just allergic to reality. sometimes just constant sneezing, even when i’m on an antihistamine.
obviously best to just be aware of one’s behavior and risk factors. do they do this just avoid liability?
perhaps you’ve never met someone who was desperate? never been broke and tried to feed a hungry child?
shit’s crazy. there’s an entire micro economy around plasma. whatever is going on in your life, don’t pretend
Ok, so systems for donating blood are different in different places, I get that. Where I’m from, the only benefit you get from donating blood is a thumbs up, pat on the back, and a popsicle or a coffee cup or some other small gift.
donating blood is NOT donating plasma.
blood is probably more valuable, especially if you’re near something crazy, like a war or natural disaster. blood is so valuable it’s insane
plasma, also super valuable, not so immediately helpful to people dying in a war zone
i was literally just asking about mosquito bites what the fuck
You also asked if you should lie about safety on stuff to inject into other human beings who need medical aid. That shouldn’t even be a question. Needing money is no excuse to gamble with the lives of others.