I realize this may be a privileged question.
Why doesn’t everybody just supervise their kids’ screen time? I’ve been doing that with both kids for years. 99% of the time they just want to watch videos or play games, so I get a little break. I don’t trust the computer to do a good job. When I’m too busy to supervise, I just tell them to read, or play with the cardboard boxes.
It’s a good question, for me, it’s about teaching them to make such decisions on their own and encouraging independence. Nor do I believe we should be censoring our children from everything like The Pearl Clutchers™️ scream about.
But this means letting them use devices, at least some of the time, unsupervised. My system isn’t intended to be the end all be all, but rather just another tool in the toolbox.
It’s a tool to form a safety net of sorts, something to catch them when they make the wrong decision and give me the opportunity to talk with them on why before they’re exposed to whatever. It’s configured to only catch and hard block the worst of the worst anyways.
It gives me insights into what they’re choosing to watch when I’m not around and helps me teach them about algorithms and the background on why their apps do what they do or suggest what they do
It’s also there to catch when they try to sneak onto devices, say, when they’re supposed to be sleeping (I think we’ve all been there lmao)
And as an added bonus, because a lot of it is intended for the enterprise it also includes nifty security features to also ensure they’re making good opsec decisions (and to help me teach them it) as well