99% of the cases that use bone cement I’ve been in, in all of the hospitals I’ve worked at, have used that specific product. With the exception of a shoulder surgeon I worked with who liked this goopy blue shit that got everywhere.
In any case, that stuff is, uh… pungent. Like even when I’m not in the ortho room, if I want to check on how far along their case is, I don’t even need to actually look in the OR - getting near the room is enough to tell me whether or not the implants are in, indicated by the presence or absence of that smell within about 15-feet of each entrance to that OR.
Pregnant or not, I can’t imagine breathing that shit every day is doing us any favors. >_>
…and that’s ignoring electrocautery smoke, radiation, and all the biohazardous shit we’re exposed to in there. I swear in 10 years we’re going to be featured in cautionary training videos about what happens when you don’t use whatever latest-and-greatest technique is being pitched to keep that shit out of our lungs.
looks like it’s the monomer of plexiglass with hydroquinone to prevent premature polymerization and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine which is like, an adhesive or something? The latter is probably the issue.
Yeah, seems like people working in medicine have a rough time of it. My sister works in a cath lab and I worry about her exposure levels sometimes. I know she wears a dosimeter but like, man, it’s a lot of X-rays.
Here’s the specific stuff I’m familiar with:
99% of the cases that use bone cement I’ve been in, in all of the hospitals I’ve worked at, have used that specific product. With the exception of a shoulder surgeon I worked with who liked this goopy blue shit that got everywhere.
In any case, that stuff is, uh… pungent. Like even when I’m not in the ortho room, if I want to check on how far along their case is, I don’t even need to actually look in the OR - getting near the room is enough to tell me whether or not the implants are in, indicated by the presence or absence of that smell within about 15-feet of each entrance to that OR.
Pregnant or not, I can’t imagine breathing that shit every day is doing us any favors. >_>
…and that’s ignoring electrocautery smoke, radiation, and all the biohazardous shit we’re exposed to in there. I swear in 10 years we’re going to be featured in cautionary training videos about what happens when you don’t use whatever latest-and-greatest technique is being pitched to keep that shit out of our lungs.
Ahhh, hell yeah time to dig for a SDS!
PDF warning: https://imgcdn.mckesson.com/CumulusWeb/Click_and_learn/SDS_ZIMMER_CEMENT_BONE_BIOMET_R_1X40_1_BX.pdf
looks like it’s the monomer of plexiglass with hydroquinone to prevent premature polymerization and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine which is like, an adhesive or something? The latter is probably the issue.
Yeah, seems like people working in medicine have a rough time of it. My sister works in a cath lab and I worry about her exposure levels sometimes. I know she wears a dosimeter but like, man, it’s a lot of X-rays.