- NG: Sweep
- CG: Svalboard
- LN: Reviung
- TN: Corne
- CN: Dactyl Manuform
- LE: Neo Alice (specifically one found off aliex)
- NE: Keychron Q11
What does FFKB stand for?
I really want a batwing. I’ve been using splits for so long, and I find myself constantly fussing with positioning. While I’d love to have some configurability, it’s gotten to where I’ll take a fixed position just to get away from the damned things sliding around.
Not that they’re literally sliding around, but they do tend to shift, and I’m repositioning them far more than I like. So my next is going to be a batwing. That FFKB looks nice - what is it?
Edit: nevermind. “Ffkb keyboard” turned it up right on top: faux fox keyboard
You didn’t tell us what CE is.
Me: uses the onscreen keyboard because the only two keyboards I have are old, shit and some keys don’t work.
It’s missing a Kinesis Advantage.
Still wanna try chaotic good for gaming, but honestly content with a hall effect 60%
What’s the name of this one? I haven’t see it with a center trackball before.
Well I was gonna order one but holy cow that’s expensive
Yes ha ha, same reaction here
I got no clue, maybe OP knows