Hello from Greece 🇬🇷
Scotland calling (technically UK but you know…)
hola de puerto rico 🇵🇷
hola mi gente, Costa Rica presente
Fuck off ya cunt
Straya Go! 🇦🇺
Austria here
Helllo from [REDACTED]
Pozdrawiam z rodzinką from Poland :3
Well, Hej, from Sweden.
Bonjour, de la Suisse (Switzerland)
Bonjour, Hi, from Canada
Howdy from South-Eastern US, y’all.
whoops, forgot alaska
Also Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands
So do we. And Hawaii too. 😊
Damn, I was out before this post got out the gate! Waves in Floridian
Pro tip: Sort comments by old to see the map fill in in order (mostly) or by new for just the most complete version
Hola desde México!
What ho, old bean.
deleted by creator
It should be pointed out that only Northern Ireland should be included. Ireland is a different country.
Thank you!
Yeah and I have a suspicion that not many Irish people would feel represented by “what ho, old bean”
Neither would the norn Irish. Nor the Welsh actually. Probably not the Scottish either. Come to think of it, I don’t think Cockneys, Geordies, Brums, Yams, Scousers, Yonners, Mummersetters or Easties would, either.