No. There’s this thing called laws and regulation, shill. Go back to the shitter of a country whose recycled garbage arguments you are propping up that just decides to label those regulations “deep state” in crayon before throwing them in the gutter. Outside of it, our governments still have a fair decent number of them and they are still holding fast against the number of idiots in their respective society that are being feed the most ignorant and reactionary form of propaganda because their governments haven’t rotted by a resounding patriotic “we are perfect, why bother with actual reform?”
No. There’s this thing called laws and regulation, shill. Go back to the shitter of a country whose recycled garbage arguments you are propping up that just decides to label those regulations “deep state” in crayon before throwing them in the gutter. Outside of it, our governments still have a fair decent number of them and they are still holding fast against the number of idiots in their respective society that are being feed the most ignorant and reactionary form of propaganda because their governments haven’t rotted by a resounding patriotic “we are perfect, why bother with actual reform?”