A bit over streaming at the moment so am queuing up a few Humphrey Bogart movies - does anyone have any recommendations?
So far I have some of the big ones Casablanca, Maltese Falcon, Sabrina. Watched Casablanca for the first time - loved it.
High Sierra and Dark Passage are both great. So is The Big Sleep. Anything with Bacall really.
To Have and Have Not is a good watch since it’s when the first worked together. But I would probably wait a while after seeing Casablanca for the first time since it suffers by comparison.
Thanks for the thoughtful recommendations. I realise I actually have a Bogart/Bacall movie on DVD somewhere (Key Largo) but I’ll scope out some more
Gotta add The Treasure of the Sierra Madre to that list.
Ok I’ll give it a go - sounded a bit hardcore for a casual watch but I havent seen it -
It’s definitely a very tense movie, but it’s also an all time classic.
Sahara is one I watched some few times as a kid, it is a wartime propaganda movie and it really shows but it’s still pretty watchable.
The African Queen is really good as well, and Hepburn instead of Bacall.
And really everyone in a corporate job should watch The Caine Mutiny, then read the book too.
The colorization isn’t… perfect. But it’s watchable, and it’s neat to see it in color.