We call two numbers x,y coprime if their greatest common divisor is 1.


  • 9 and 8 are coprime
  • 3 and 7 are coprime. gcd(3, 7) = 1
  • 11 and 99 are not coprime, since gcd(99,11) = 11 != 1

Lower Diagonal y>x

A pixel x,y is marked black, if x and y are coprime.

Upper Diagonal x>y

A pixel x,y is marked black, if 2x+1 and 2y+1 are coprime

The different behavior for the upper/lower diagonal was chosen, since gcd is commotative, and the result would have been a boring mirror image.

generated with the following c-code:

#include "intmaths.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main(void){
  // tests to check if gcd works
  assert(3 == gcd(3*5, 3*7));
  assert(11 == gcd(11*5, 11*7));
  assert(1 == is_prime(3));
  int t1 = gcd(11*3*3, 3*7);
  assert(t1 == 3);
  int t2 = gcd(11*4, 4*7);
  assert(t2 == 4);
  int W = 300;
  int H = 300;
  int START = 2;
  printf("P1\n%d %d\n", W-START, H-START);
  for(int y=START; y<H; y++){
    for(int x=START; x<W; x++){
      int r2 = 0;
      if(x > y){
        // upper diagonal
        int xmod = 2*x+1;
        int ymod = 2*y+1;
        int gc = gcd(xmod, ymod);
        if(gc == 1){
          r2 = 1;
        }// pixel is marked black, if xmod and ymod are coprime, and we are in upper diagonal
        int gc = gcd(x, y);
        if(gc == 1){
          r2 = 1;
      // int r2 = r % 2;
      printf("%d", r2);
  return 0;

gcd was calcualted using euclids algorithm. resulting pbm image

  • scratsearcher 🔍🔮📊🎲OP
    1 hour ago

    I was thinking the image looks quite noisy, the image can only truly be appreciated if zoomed in.

    • should I use fourier transformations on this to make this happen
    • are there other transformations that achieved this “turning scale inside out” effect … correlation functions?
  • over_clox@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    This doesn’t seem to scan as a QR code (yet)…

    Have you tried running it through Conway’s Game Of Life?