He’s a lunatic because his position is that it won’t be a problem. You just train programmers enough that they’ll go into the workforce as senior developers.
But that’s not how any of the professions he mentioned works:
doctors - residency (like an internship) followed by a first job (probably accompanied/watched over by a senior?)
plumbers - apprenticeship (like an internship) followed by first job, usually accompanied by a senior
Software engineering works the same way, you get an internship, then a first job, and both are usually under a senior. In fact, it’s not until about 10 years in that I’d consider you an actual senior, and there are levels above that as well.
There’s pretty much no industry where you pop out of school at a senior level, there’s a reason experience is expected for most roles. I’ll only ask about it if you put something interesting, like a relevant project or whatever.
He’s a lunatic because his position is that it won’t be a problem. You just train programmers enough that they’ll go into the workforce as senior developers.
But that’s not how any of the professions he mentioned works:
Software engineering works the same way, you get an internship, then a first job, and both are usually under a senior. In fact, it’s not until about 10 years in that I’d consider you an actual senior, and there are levels above that as well.
There’s pretty much no industry where you pop out of school at a senior level, there’s a reason experience is expected for most roles. I’ll only ask about it if you put something interesting, like a relevant project or whatever.