Q1: Since the Judicial branch is supposed to keep an eye on the other two branches, and all three are controlled by the GOP, what is there to do? In the end any legitimate complaint that makes it to the SCOTUS will be tossed out like yesterdays McDonalds wrappers out of Clarence Thomas’ window.

Q2: I see Bernie Sanders on X talking about everything that is happening with no solutions and no place to start and no one to look up to. WTF is happening? Even GOPs with little kids are having buyer’s remorse as they are quickly losing all their lifelines and food for their children. Even if the dems have no solutions someone could try to stand up for us and offer us advice on how to navigate through this.

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Republican judges have shut down Trump before and will hopefully continue to do so at least some of the time.

    Republicans have a slim Senate majority, and if any Rs decide to become their party’s Manchin or Sinema, things can still be blocked. There’s also bound to be infighting among Rs after conflicting things.

    The ACLU and other groups are filing lawsuits. If they win or not will be seen, but they will keep trying.

    One thing I feel I don’t see talked about enough on here though, is what we can do as individuals. Are you getting involved anywhere? If not, why?

    Every community has groups looking out for the poor/homeless, discriminated groups, the environment, immigrants, labor unions, etc. If you don’t trust your leaders to solve things, that leaves us all to step up to fill those holes.

    I’ve already applied for one volunteer service, and am looking into others depending how the first one goes. We can’t just sit and wait to see what happens. We need to get involved and take personal responsibility.