I typically use Wolfram alpha for more complicated date math, and it answers a slightly modified version of this question correctly: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=what+day+is+the+11th
I’m confused, were you expecting a specific answer?
Yeah, I was expecting to know what day Feb 11th was, since you know, it’s February right now?
Ah ambiguous user input leading to incorrect output. Aka shin in shit out.
I mean, regular ok Google used to get it right. Understanding the context is the basic thing digital assistants used to have. If I tell you to come meet me on the 13th, would you assume Feb or April?
Idk why people go to hurdles to defend bad software engineering only when it comes to LLMs
Should have checked the calendar then (:
Easier to use 3,000,000x the compute power it took to get to the moon and get the wrong answer, than look at a calendar.
That’s not very AI singularity of you
Ah day of the week in a specific month. Calendars don’t lie lol
Fuck AI, but garbage in, garbage out.
Gemini used MM DD YYYY? Ouch.
It’s fine, when the month is written as a word.
YYYY-MM-DD or bust
ISO 8601 represent.
It’s great for naming files, but not that ideal for conversations.
That is just a matter of what you get used to, there is no fundamental diffidence as long as the numbers follow the scale one way or the other.