Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te qui prima oportere sapientem. Te per quis graeco, eu odio sanctus gloriatur sea. Et amet eros recusabo ius, sed ex invidunt deseruisse. Equidem lucilius eu his, eu mel tollit propriae sensibus. Mel saepe labitur electram ut. Dolores suscipit ad ius. Eum ne natum mundi albucius.

  • cabbagee
    1 year ago

    how do you cope with people not understanding your thought process, ideas or just your way of life?

    This isn’t an intelligence problem, it’s a communication problem. Soft skills are another kind of intelligence that happens to be a blind spot in IQ tests. If you’re struggling with expressing yourself, look into improving your communication skills. Books are a good place to start. Putting yourself in situations where you will have to talk to strangers is another.

    If you have a higher IQ and are in high level studies or esoteric fields, I’d encourage you to expand your definition of intelligence. I’ve found the most important kinds of intelligence in life don’t show on IQ tests.