• LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Seriously, the government knows how old you are. Birth certificates, IDs, taxes, insurance, school requirements, requirement to sign up for the draft if you are a man by 18. They know where you live and how to find you. Most people down to a ~10 meter radius at all times unless you don’t have your phone on you. Everyone should be automatically registered for presidential & VP voting. If you have an ID then they recorded your address to acquire the ID. You should be automatically assigned to that addresses precinct/district/county/state/federal officials that come from that area. If you do not have an ID, you should be able to go online or in person to submit a proof of address for free. If a person votes twice, it should flag the federal government for having 2 votes from the same individual, the state, county, district and precinct without an issue. All precincts have cameras and you aren’t allowed to wear face coverings (hair allowed) when voting. This means when you receive a ballot there wil be a recording of you being present. If the person attempts votes twice, they can confirm if it was the same person or if someone was trying to vote in their place.

    Up the voter fraud charge to minimum 10 years in prison unless coerced and fully cooperate in apprehending whomever did such; who should be charged with the equivalent of treason. (Life in prison, or the death penalty… Not my personal choice, that’s just the penalty for treason federally).

    I’d say more but I’ve already rambled and I’m sure I’ve said enough to find dispute in many.