Girlfriend and I are going to Vegas again for 3 days (we went last month too). I don’t gamble or drink, but she does and she’s got the money for it, so it’s fun to watch. I like the vibe in Vegas, so people watching is awesome there.
Awesome! Vegas sounds like so much fun. Have a wonderful time! 😃
Something new I guess! I got my tablet configured correctly so I can try to play retro games on it and eventually see if I can start streaming them ( or even playing online while streaming )
I’ve got a cheap ESP8266 controller and WS2821B LED strip which I’m going to connect to a jailbroken LG TV to replace my old Govee TV backlight. I might have already damaged the strip and that ESP8266 might not be compatible with high bandwidth firmware. Fun!
[edit] I did it! Need to cut it, add corner wiring and tape it to the TV but all technical obstacles are now solved. The chip was fine but it couldn’t negotiate high speed connection without using rather quirky setup, otherwise it’s just crap itself.
sounds interesting, only thing I know is LED needs direct current, not alternating current … and by pulsing current on/off you can dim the lights? About color I have no clue though.
I’d be damned if I knew how any of this works on that level because I still need mental capacity to make it connect to my smart home and talk to my 5 other useless gadgets 😅
Going to try out some kayaking for the first time, should be interesting.
Need to work out an optimal exercise schedule, I’m winging it currently and that’s not great.
Kayaking is awesome!
Try to get as much sleep as possible.
I have a 1 year old and we’ve all been constantly sick since mid-fall.
Had the actual flu last week and still feel it.
Hoping we’re immune to as much shit as possible now.What about you, OP?
Today: Continuing with Death Stranding. I enjoy it very much so far. Kinda feel like I fell for idiotic and/or dishonest reviews and YouTubers all this time ignoring the game. Doesn’t make it perfect tho. When I get another call from someone who tells me exactly what I just saw myself, I will throw BB into the nearest tarpit.
Tomorrow: Have to attend a birthday party I really don’t want to. But it’s a good friend of my GF. The things we do for love…
Sunday: Sushi ❤️
Sam, we need you to do exactly what the previous cutscene told you to do, just calling to repeat it
Get together with my gf and pretend that everything hasn’t gone to shit for a couple of days. Then on Monday we’ll both have an emotional breakdown as we resume life in this hellscape.