Ha ha nice. I’m straight
Hi, Straight. I’m dad.
Hi, dad. When you coming home?
Sorry, still trying to find that elusive pack of smokes.
Its right next to the elusive milk.
Hi straight. I’m narrow.
Lol That’s pretty funny. I’m dog
Pray tell, what tidings dost thou bring, noble dog?
Life is ruff. Chase ball.
Man I watched the hell out of that cartoon when I was a kid.
That’s hilarious. I’m pigeon
Hahaha great
Oh great another thing for women to be self conscious about
Honestly, you can’t win. Just feel comfortable in your own skin. Men be catchin’ feelings for ransom shit. Purse strap across your chest? Boner. Hair up? Boner. Hair down, believe it or not, also boner.
Boner? Better believe that’s a boner.
When I read the meme I imagined my wife in a sundress. Not everything on the Internet needs to have your stamp of virtue signaling approval.
How is that virtue signaling? I assigned no morality to it just joking that it’s another thing to worry about, add it to the list. All these replies are the ones projecting some sort of judgement
Rule34 exists for a reason