No matter what you use, it seems they always fail and no one is interested.

Even a free app like duolicious has this problem.

    1 month ago

    No, they used to be more or less good - they all had slightly different vibes instead of being the exact same thing with different fonts. Okcupid used to publish a lot of fun data and was kind of a middle ground, Match was known for being for more “serious” daters, and plenty of fish tended to be a little trashier - not that there wasn’t plenty of overlap, that was just kind of the reputations they had. You could pay for things but you could also do just fine with free accounts, and the ads focused on how many people had had success with them.

    Now they’re all owned by the same company and it shows, and they’ve decided dumbing the experience down to the most superficial stuff and letting bots and people advertising OF or their MLMs take over is fine. I don’t think any of them are worth the time they take to download at this point.

      1 month ago

      I remember 10+ years ago using okcupid. It was alright.

      Best dating site ever? Myspace.

      See the thing about dating sites is the women are guarded, and protective of what they say and do because they’re afraid of any little thing they say being judged as then being slutty.

      But on myspace, I would introduce myself by sending a new message, to someone I never talked to before and the message would say “Hi, I’m Rob. Can I put it in your butt?”

      And then they’d see my pics, and realize my entire existance is a joke. And they’d reply “Well obviously! When are we getting drinks?”. Her joking obviously, because who would agree to something like that so fast?

      And then we WOULD get drinks. And I WOULD put it in her butt…eventually.

      But on Tinder, it requires the women to swipe right to create a match. And in their mind, it means they’re actively agreeing to sex in that moment. And that little butterfly effect moment breaks the chain.

      They never have that joking intro. They never meet for drinks. They never start dating. They never get vunerable about their biggest fears. They never come home to their house full of bees as clowns wrap their arms around them and drag them into the bees nests. They never get stripped down and have honey lathered all over their naked body. They never have you come in with a chainsaw, decapitate a few dozen clowns, and run with her out of a bee filled house just moments before it explodes, and ride away on a motorcycle as you flee the chasing yakuza, despite being in Ohio. She never feels the adrenaline rush of speeding up a ramp on the motorcycle, and hopping over the tracks of a speeding train, thus stopping the yakuza. Then later at your place, you’re like “oh, sorry, the water is broken. Some house exploded and the whole citys water is shut off now. Which means I can’t serve you a cold glass of water. Just some wine. Like…a LOT of wine. You wanna drink 46 bottles of wine? Also, you can’t take a shower to wash off that honey. I’ll have to lick it off. But you better hurry. There’s fire ants outside, and they sting.”

      And after 2 hours of drinking, and licking, she’s now in the mood, and now you’re putting it in her butt, and she’s loving it. Her reservations she previously had about anal were totally false.

      And thats what she’s worried about happening if she swipes right. So she swipes left instead. So now YOU are spending Saturday night masturbating with a bottle of honey…

          1 month ago

          Welcome to the internet, hold on to your socks

          'Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock

          They are grainy and off-putting, he just sent you more

          Don’t act surprised, you know you like it, you whore

          Could I interest you in everything all of the time?

          A bit of everything, all of the time

          Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime

          Anything and everything, all of the time