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Edit: Friendly reminder to report posts that violate the rules. The mods have their own stuff to do and won’t necessarily notice unless you report it too!
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In many cases like this, it’s the frequency these things happen. Once in a while is normal. Every single moment isn’t.
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It’s kind of astonishing that you so closely grasp the point and then fling it as far away as possible.
Then how do you have any right speaking on behalf of so many other people who do have ADHD when you’re basing this anecdotally?
Astounding you’ll say “lost in your sentiment”, say ADHD is a spectrum, and then flatly say this cannot fall within it.
I describe ADHD as a purely executive disorder that harms your progress/goals. Which is why I agree with your statement as all those claims don’t really harm an overarching goal.
People with ADHD do things like frequently forget their driver’s license or frequently forgetting their office key card. It affects their day to day lives in more noticeable ways than just “whoops I put my thing in the pile of clothes, now ive lost it”
I dunno bro/broette — you should talk to the other people in your life about how often they experience the last few on your list. You may find you’re one of us.
Rule 1.
What did I miss?
Typical whinefest of “UM ACTUALLY THIS ISN’T ADHD SPECIFIC”. Bit more preachy than most given it was multiple paragraphs long.
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Whether it’s ADHD or chronic fatigue, the same stims will fix it.
That may be bad because if the treatment works, people assume the diagnosis is correct.
Just maybe that isn’t literally “everyone” and that “everyone” is rather a certain fraction with this set and is more of a gradient higher in occurances.
You, incidentally, didn’t mention the key aspects. Obsessive focuses and focus methods used obsessively are kind of not in there anywhere. Also that these obsessive tendencies offput all the occurances that you described.
The relation therein is something we are familiar with. Furthermore, that those without such obsessive tendencies don’t relate over the listed occurances as some kind of frequency.
Fact of the matter is that there are a good set of factors that this “disorder” is defined about. You’re drivelling about the frustrations we have. Note that they are not using these frustrations as the definition of the disorder itself by as the byproduct of suffering from the disorder’s key elements.