I’ve found out that my gas stove is capable of keeping the whole house reasonably warm while also not setting off the carbon monoxide detector after running for a long time, so that’s nice. I think the oven would need to be plugged into a battery backup so the ignitor/thermostat circuit would work, but the cooktop burners don’t.
That was our big surprise discovery when we moved into a place with a gas stove: we could still have hot food (cooked indoors) during power outages. We just had to light the range with a match.
Our landlord remodeled our kitchen (to something very nice, so we put up with it) a few years prior, so we had already gotten used to adapting recipes to cook on the grill or smoker. Not having to move outside to access heat every meal is a luxury I don’t take for granted anymore, and especially right now as we’re in what the locals call a cold snap.
I’ve found out that my gas stove is capable of keeping the whole house reasonably warm while also not setting off the carbon monoxide detector after running for a long time, so that’s nice. I think the oven would need to be plugged into a battery backup so the ignitor/thermostat circuit would work, but the cooktop burners don’t.
That was our big surprise discovery when we moved into a place with a gas stove: we could still have hot food (cooked indoors) during power outages. We just had to light the range with a match.
Our landlord remodeled our kitchen (to something very nice, so we put up with it) a few years prior, so we had already gotten used to adapting recipes to cook on the grill or smoker. Not having to move outside to access heat every meal is a luxury I don’t take for granted anymore, and especially right now as we’re in what the locals call a cold snap.