I don’t really get the point of people who dispute medical diagnoses - “No sweetie, you don’t have type 2 diabetes, ThE MeDiCaL EsTaBLiShMeNt…” like, shut the hell up you vapid cretin.
Because ppl lie and exaggerate things. Also the distrust of the medical and pharmaceutical companies was created by the over diagnosing and over prescribing of medication that created the opioid crisis. And lets not forget the conveyor belt type of medical care that stresses get them in and get them out that results in misdiagnosing and a general lack of care.
No I’m not a conspiracy theorist and 9 times out of 10 a doctor is usually right but let’s not act like the distrust of American medical services isn’t deserved.
I work with a guy who genuinely believes that eating carrots improved his vision two days. Not that carrots are good for eye health in general, but that it had “healing powers” and fixed his vision. Yeahhhh okkkkk broooo……
Same energy as people who react to climate science with “actually the climate changes all the time - it’s called seasons” and then go back to sitting on the porch of their burning house.
ADD/ADHD don’t have an established pathology. That’s why. They came up with diagnostic criteria and called it a “disorder”.
You know how in animistic religions, they see the sun, rain, ice, fire, and decide each of those things has a god associated with it? And anything that happens involving those, gets explained in terms of the interactions of those gods?
My mom’s had people try to tell her that she only thinks she has type 1 diabetes because the doctors told her she does, and if she stopped believing them, her pancreas would start working again.
I don’t really get the point of people who dispute medical diagnoses - “No sweetie, you don’t have type 2 diabetes, ThE MeDiCaL EsTaBLiShMeNt…” like, shut the hell up you vapid cretin.
Because ppl lie and exaggerate things. Also the distrust of the medical and pharmaceutical companies was created by the over diagnosing and over prescribing of medication that created the opioid crisis. And lets not forget the conveyor belt type of medical care that stresses get them in and get them out that results in misdiagnosing and a general lack of care.
No I’m not a conspiracy theorist and 9 times out of 10 a doctor is usually right but let’s not act like the distrust of American medical services isn’t deserved.
I work with a guy who genuinely believes that eating carrots improved his vision two days. Not that carrots are good for eye health in general, but that it had “healing powers” and fixed his vision. Yeahhhh okkkkk broooo……
Same energy as people who react to climate science with “actually the climate changes all the time - it’s called seasons” and then go back to sitting on the porch of their burning house.
ADD/ADHD don’t have an established pathology. That’s why. They came up with diagnostic criteria and called it a “disorder”.
You know how in animistic religions, they see the sun, rain, ice, fire, and decide each of those things has a god associated with it? And anything that happens involving those, gets explained in terms of the interactions of those gods?
My mom’s had people try to tell her that she only thinks she has type 1 diabetes because the doctors told her she does, and if she stopped believing them, her pancreas would start working again.
The condescending smug ‘no, sweetie,’ bit was already a red flag for me, and then they just kept digging.