I knocked out a good chunk of Black Flag today. I’m aiming to 100% it, so i’ve been cleaning out locations before finishing the main story. I did do sequence 8. The ending mission for this is one of the ones that is most memorable to me along with The Blackbeard one and the Final Mission.
I got this screenshot while i was supposed to be hunting Vane. Instead i took a detour to grab some collectibles to save myself from a second trip.
I also got this Screenshot of a Large Cat while backtracking to an earlier Island to grab all the Collectibles. I tried to leave it be but ended up having to kill it in Self Defense:
I also wanted to talk about the water in this game. It’s like a solid 9/10 for me. I’m not a fan of Tropical things, but the Water is gorgeous in this game. This screenshot shows the really deep blue parts of the Water. Which are my favorites.
I enjoy assassin’s creed type games and I know this isn’t a hot take or anything but man are those games bloated with boring ass time waster side quests. Starts to feel like a job after a bit and I hate it. I really wish they would just focus on a solid core campaign story and leave the billion little errands on the cutting room floor. But I get that some people love just hunting stuff down and checking them off a list so idk. Just feels like they’re focusing more on maximizing the time you’re playing the game rather than just having fun playing it.
Yeah I think the errands add a decent distraction from time to time but the sheer amount of the same god damn thing is just wild. The whole game came across as pretty decent but they really stretched the repetitive content to make a full game around the story.
Yeah, I tried Black Flag a while back—because I’d heard good things—but just couldn’t be bothered with all the busy work. I did really enjoy Mafia 3, The Witcher 3, RDR2; I’m not anti-side quest by any means. I think I need a more compelling story, and that’s never been AC’s strong point (based on ~3 AC games I’ve picked up and quickly dropped over the years).
Yeah. For me it was tolerable in the old games, because the story ranged from decent to pretty good so it could carry it.
But Valhalla’s story for me just wasn’t interesting so it felt like a Viking themed collectathon rather than Assassin’s creed. It just ended up highlighting my issues with it. All the chests and Animus Fragments are by far the worst ones with how many there are.
The game has become more of a brawler‘s creed, I wish it was more about figuring out how to cleanly assassinate your target instead of leveling up to match the level of and fight a buncha goons…
I hope Shadows won‘t just be a bad Tsushima…
From what I’ve heard Mirage was a return to form for the franchise and id assume Shadows would keep with that, but the latest game I played was Valhalla and even then I didn’t beat it and I skipped over Odyssey so I’m not sure exactly how true to form Mirage is