• dukeofdummies@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ordinarily I would agree, but there are a few issues with that.

    For one, he’s not just an actor. He’s also credited as one of the 13 producers and co-producers. That producer hat does not disappear once the director yells action. That alone should open up a door for all 13 of these guys to get charges applied if they ignored warnings about safety. Not saying it’s an open and shut case, hell maybe he’s only producer in name for bragging rights and never attended a meeting, it’s a valid argument he can make. But I think it definitely opens the door.

    Secondly, the amount of star power he has does give him some power in this film. If people are complaining about safety and he’s domineering over people going “Shut up! I need filming done in 3 months so I can move to x film, give me the gun lets go”. He’s culpable in my eyes. He actively silenced and ignored concerns in that hypothetical and proceeded to roll the dice himself. Again no idea if that happened but it would absolutely open the door for charges.

    The fact that the case is being dropped suggests that maybe they thought they had a case in these two veins, but ultimately couldn’t make the argument to a reliable degree.