Lucas’ original vision included McGregor’s character ultimately taking on his Jedi Master’s name as part of his attempt to honor his mission to train Anakin. “At the end, as Obi-Wan dies and Qui-Gon defeats Darth Maul and stays with his Master as he passes away, he not only takes on his Master’s quest, but he takes on his name. Qui-Gon becomes Obi-Wan,” McCaig revealed. “That’s why when you see Alec Guinness in A New Hope, he puts his hood down and goes, ‘Obi-Wan? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard.’ Because he’s not Obi-Wan, he’s Qui-Gon

    4 months ago

    McGregor immediately pleaded with Lucas to change the ending, “What else would I do for the rest of my life? Play other roles?”