I have a Macbook Pro connected to an external display. I prefer to have my dock on the larger external display, but when I boot up (or when my Mac wakes from sleep) the dock is on the Macbook display. I have tried in vain to find a way to keep it on the external display, or at least more easily move it there, other than the standard “move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen twice” method. Can this be accomplished with Shortcuts or an Automator action?

  • misk
    5 months ago

    Technically Mac OS should remember external display layout but can bug out on display ID changing or not being available quickly enough.

    I haven’t tried displayplacer but it looks like something that might be worth checking out, especially notes on buggy displays in readme file. If command line is no go then I wouldn’t be surprised if BetterDisplay Pro didn’t have this kind of functionality since I don’t think there is anything display related this thing can’t do.