It is day 459. Seagoon remains lost at sea. Rescue crews have seen glimpses of her, but the plan to get her back to dry land safely hasn’t been fully confirmed. Worshippers have been gathering along coastlines, along piers and bridges. They’ve taken up the chanting which appears to have started spontaneously among animals two nights ago…
She is doing everything she can to get back here.
Lodion and I have both emailed her directly. Not sure if its a first for him, but this is the first time I’ve emailed an Aussie.Zone user. She hasn’t replied to me - I don’t think Lodion has had a reply, either.
There is one last trick I have in my arsenal: to change her password myself and send it to her. Though that will leave me in a situation where I know a user’s password and I’m not really comfortable with that direction. I’d prefer to get her password reset with our present approach.
5/5 Hobbits
I have sent this to her
Just out of curiosity what has happened?
Did she lose her password to her account and had to make a new account again?
As far as I can tell she has previously existed in this zone as both Seagoon and Seagoon_
The attempt to create a third Seagoon overwhelmed this timeline’s reality vortex and has pushed her into an alternate timeline where the Aussie Zone does not exist. We are attempting to strengthen the vortex and will hopefully have the power to pull her back through shortly, but it is a risky manoeuvre and it is possible we will all be pulled through to the other timeline with her and will find ourselves rather confused and back on Reddit.
As far as I can tell she has previously existed in this zone as both Seagoon and Seagoon_
Both accounts are still just fine in the database, I can recover either of them. I have gone for Seagoon_, as that’s the account she’s been using the past year. But yeah - it could easily have been the other account. I haven’t heard from her since last night, and that was through CEO. I figure she has more important things going on in her world today. Which is fine, I’ve been at work and not exactly brimming with spare time anyway.
Maybe the Gooner is on hiatus and just wants to chill
EDIT: has anyone spotted any sea monsters in that vicinity? I have a nasty feeling about this situation. It isn’t just Euron that does the whole kraken bit.
I think she’s been taken by a siren out at sea.
Lured away by an irresistible song out into the briny depths.
Things to do today.
- New glasses
- NDIS admin
- back pay rent (there’s a recent screw up I need to fix)
- gym
- Get Seagoon_ back online
- Work
- Call Christmas Holiday booking place
Things to do today
- Start on my assignment
- Find some urgent cleaning that I’ve been ignoring for months but definitely needs to be done now
- Get back to my assignment
- Extra long dog walk. It helps me think and is not at all an attempt to avoid writing my assignment. Really. Honest!
- Get back to assignment. Reinforce with extra coffee
- 73 additional toilet breaks caused by additional coffee
- Make dinner. Plus desert. Sugar is good for the brain, right?
- Get back to assignment. More coffee. Doesn’t need to be submitted until midnight and I can stay up late.
- Half arse finishing the assignment. Contemplate whether 5% late penalty will be offset sufficiently by benefits of another day to edit.
- Submit assignment
- Sleep
Few days off so:
- head down the bellarine
- Weed / dig over chilli patch
- Find seaweed at the beach
- Swim
- Add seaweed to chilli patch
- Plant chillies out
My day
Dr appointment for blood test results
Prepare some documents for approvals at work (kind of a lengthy process)
Performance review/update for one co-worker
Submit 3 job applications. Saw some interesting roles, so why not
Evening walk
My day today.
- Try and wake up from trying to fix my internal flock
- Survive the day at work covering for someone who went home sick
- Visit to the chemist
- Supermarket
Edit: +proof reading document and trying to figure out how hand it back without going out of my way.
You have an internal flock? Is that the sheep we are supposed to be counting to get to sleep? I don’t have one of those, I thought people were talking about imaginary sheep. My insomnia is now explained.
Oops! Meant to be clock but I suppose flock is pretty accurate as well.
Got to get the herd under control.
On other note I’ve been making so many typos lately, it’s been horrible.
I love a good typo.
I work in a job where we are all working simultaneously on a shared computer system, which has no ability to edit once you hit enter. So we see lots of typos, which are an endless source of entertainment.
Got through to Tenants Vic and got a better idea of what my rights were
The onus is on the LL to demonstrate that I’m in breach of S61 of the RTA (causing damage) and they cannot unreasonably restrict my quiet enjoyment of the property that I have exclusive use of. If it ends up at VCAT the timing of the claims and notice will be very much taken into consideration - namely that it followed a request to have the rent increase reviewed, and wasn’t an issue beforehand.
Feeling a bit more relieved. Still gonna be ugly if they try to breach me anyway and we gotta do the whole thing, but at least I know I’m not doing the wrong thing here.
Sox was quite unwilling to leave, but once we coaxed her out from under a couch she was surprisingly compliant with getting into her carrier, thank god - it’s taken two people upwards of 30 mins before (and many scratches). I think I’ve cleared out anything and everything cat related in the apt. Anything else I find can be hidden in the car.
Now, time to
dust,check for dust/stains on balcony,vacuum like madandmop the floorswhile it’s still light out, then laundromat time. Gottacook dinnertoo. It’s hoppin’ John tonight, the beans are soaking away and there’s a new brand of vegan snags at the shops that aren’t too bad. Once dinner’s done I’llclean the stove,have a shower,clean the shower glassand then I think I’m done. Ugh.lamb shanks were mid. Veggies were nice but the mirepoix based sauce was TERRIBLE. And the lamb was dry so must’ve been too small for the time I cooked it… Ah well. trying my slow cooker mushroom beef thing that you were all sketch on last time. Will see how we go.
Also brought kiddo a decent sized ball, huge hit. He loves it. Forcing him to walk more too so that can only be a good thing. He can absolutely walk, he just decides it aint worth it a lot.
Forcing him to walk more
See it as training for when you chuck him on the lawn mower in a few years and you’re kicking back with a beer in hand saying 'you missed a bit buddy".
Let’s unpack this. Did you put water or stock in there with the shanks? Did you fry the veg first? Did you fry the shanks off?
Ps. I was not sketchy. I was the one saying go for it.
Followed this almost to the letter. But in order of questions asked Stock, Yes and yes. And I know you werent. Everyone else was.
Oh dear. I don’t know what went wrong but in my experience of slowing cooking I have learnt not to over complicate the the liquid because you can always adjust that at the end to balance out flavours.
She says not to use an expensive wine. That’s wrong because chefs/cooks will tell you to use a wine that you enjoy drinking. Using the wrong wine can leave it tasting like vinegar.
I don’t know why the lamb would be dry if you used a slow cooker but if you used the oven then yeah that can happen.
a lion from the zoo, to help with the Monday blues
he deserves all of the scritches and belly rubs
A majestic mane
For the Monday pain.
They really are just big cats
Rawr 🦁
“Don’t send that document until I’ve reviewed it” followed a day later by “Why haven’t you sent that document?” “… because you told me not to.” “No, I was talking about something else!” “You might have mentioned that when I emailed you asking for the review.”
This place fucking sets me up to fail.
I got a “I didnt know I was set up in X system today, can you please send the link?” I just replied to the original message in the SAME THREAD just a few days earlier and @'ed their name. stuff sending it again.
It sounds like they have too much on their plates to know what the heck they’re doing.
Oh, for sure. Way too much on the plate. And tried to shift some of it and they just ended up with more.
Good morning - for a Monday. Nuff said.
Finally made it to the laundromat, body aching and tired, having finished cleaning everything (EVERYTHING bar the fly screens/windows and insides of cupboards!) and bought groceries and inspected a rental and made dinner and washed all that up too. And god I hate mopping the floors but it does make the place feel nice when I do remember to do it. Just a shame I won’t be here much longer. No more attachment.
Half a day of work tomorrow… and long-awaited therapy sesh after. I’m gonna sleep well tonight tho.
Well done! You’re doing great!! 💜
“Bring me the toes of a parking inspector”
Tonight is such a beautiful evening. Soft and warm, light breeze. I have opened up the house to let the air through.
Too hot for me alrdy. Air con is on. Need to buy a new fan tomorrow
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I genuinely suffer from this grief all the time. I am not gonna claim I have anything solved but I can share a few things I do. Firstly I understand/believe we are past a few critical tipping points and there’s a good chance of things getting real bad (especially for marginalised communities - wealth buys some protection for longer). I trust any path humanity has through (waves hands) all this boils down to connection - with nature, with community, with ‘source’ (whatever that means).
I am devoted to doing the little things that are in front of me to do. Caring for the people that I care for, caring for nature in little ways. I am fortunate that I have a career that’s in an area I care about too. And I look at the stars, the ocean, the trees. I often say sorry to them. And I know they will go on after me. Taking that time helps me.
This quote I saw on twitter a loong time ago sums up how I get through and I often look at it
Don’t read the Guardian
The world has ALWAYS been on the brink of calamity. It’s just that the calamity du jour affects different groups/people differently. Some are not affected much and therefore do not care as much, and for some it’s the end of the world as we know it and a serious disaster. What’s different about nowadays is that the group that’s going to be negatively affected is much much larger, and includes folk that up till now haven’t had to think about it much. I’m with @imoldgreeg on this.
Do what you can in your own life circumstances, and help others where you can without making your own life harder. Don’t forget to thoroughly enjoy the good bits of your life too - that’s just as important. Possibly even more important. Cos these refuel you for coping with the other shit.
Based on the assignment I just finished writing you should worry less on the big complicated issues and focus smaller, more local issues you can directly impact. I will be focusing on reducing food waste, which through it’s connection to all other problems in existance will eventually fix everything.
For details of how you will need to wait for my next assignment.
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The anarchists say to get to know your neighbours and start engaging in mutual aid to have each other’s back when things get rough, but quite honestly the people around here would probably be the biggest threat for me. Like… they already are.
And the mutual aid I’ve done in the past has not been mutual.
Idk what my plan is if everything gets worse. All I can do is cope a day at a time, stay on a news diet and look after myself the best I can.
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I’m up I’m up!
Mmmmm, wheatbag
They’re really not that tasty
They do smell nice too, more’s the pity.
I’ve got old reliable on my shoulder
The skin specialist rang to organise an appointment with me. Earliest they can do is end of next week. Ok. Then she tells me it’ll cost $365 and I’ll get $80 back via Medicare. She heard the thing in my voice when I agreed to the appointment and said if I wanted to cancel at any stage to just let them know by Tuesday. I just can’t afford it and Elder’s therapy as well. Feeling very conscious about the takeaway we had this evening, we shouldn’t have had it, but I came home tonight and just didn’t have it in me to cook. Mr P just laying about in bed most of the time with no energy and feeling guilty. That’s what it’s like after the heart procedure thing he had, my MIL reckons, as his dad was the same. Boss shuts the factory for 3 weeks over Xmas and New year, so that’s 3 weeks with no dough. Time to get tougher with money.
Aw man I’m so sorry you’re going through it right now, that’s so awful. I hope things turn around, it sucks to struggle, I feel that. Sending you my love 💜
Thanks Spud
Made caramel apples today and learned some things along the way.
Please don’t think I’m weird, and your apples are surely lovely, but the first thing I noticed was your hands looking so beautiful and young! My 51 year old hands are lined and creased from hard manual work, dry skin in places, ruddy from years of hot water and wiping and scrubbing and washing, with brutally short nails for hygiene reasons. And I wear gloves at work, but not often at home.
I say send off to the salt mines to teach them a lesson. Hand envy is real.
Ooh looks good! I remember the red toffee apple things as a kid but haven’t seen one in ages.
They are tasty ! but yeah some techniques were learned for next time.
Last time I had one of those red things they were using the toffee to cover up a bruised apple. Yucky.
For a better version try the Chocolate Apple Factory which uses both caramel, chocolate and other yummy additions.
I bet one of the lessons was to wear shoes with solid tops to prevent harm from splashes of hot sugar … which can burn to the bone.