• anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml
      14 days ago

      youre a good little mccarthyite aren’t you? J edgar would be proud of you.

      The near-completeness of the degree to which you are primed to turn to fascism is apparent. Youre the same brand of liberal who pretends to care about the 1st amendment and pretends to care about minorities, using them as a political tool “we need to vote for democrats because think of human rights and democracy and the minorities which I care so much for!!” then immediately turning around and cheering their violent repression like you’re doing now. Then you say “Love me, love me, love me

      “Russia shill”??? “get what they deserve”? It would be psychotic if it weren’t so childish. I get secondhand embarrassment that you behave this way regarding people and movements who have been in the struggle longer than you’ve been alive. You’re no better than any other reactionary white supremacist to speak over the actual people and communities targeted in, and resisting against this fascistic COINTELPRO nonsense — and having the audacity to put your own ignorant projection and foul lies on their names in active support of their repression by the pigs. Names which are worth infinite more respect than you seem capable of comprehending. It would be more accurate to call you a “Fed shill” than the nonsense you’re spewing. You are a participant in and agent of COINTELPRO right now by doing this. Read their actual statements and think for a second about what you say in the actual context of the history in which we live, without your manufactured-consent kneejerk about “[ENEMY COUNTRY]” blocking all thought-and-vision other than stars and stripes and hate.

      Ajamu Baraka, Chair of the Black Alliance for Peace’s (BAP) Coordinating Committee who will be an official observer of the trial states that:

      "It is only in the imagination of white supremacists that African people would need smart white people from Russia to guide our people and movement to oppose the U.S./EU/NATO proxy war against Russia and analyze and comment on all aspects of U.S. foreign policy. Internationalism has always been a core principle of our movement from the Garvey Movement and anti-fascist struggles of Africans in America and in Spain in the form of the Abraham Lincoln Brigades, as well as the International Friends of Ethiopia that opposed the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, to our support for the liberation movements in Cuba, Haiti, Africa, Central America, and Vietnam.

      Omali Yeshitela is an outstanding product and example of that tradition, which, among many other reasons, is why BAP gives its inexorable support to chairman Yeshitela, as well as to Penny Hess and to Jesse Nevel, who embody the highest example of revolutionary solidarity with African people. Hess and Nevel have stood with us, and we intend to stand with them against the criminal repression that the Uhuru 3 are targets of."

      Every single person being targeted and named in the article, as well as every person within their organizations including the Uhuru movement themself have done and are doing more to help Black liberation and further the political consciousness and organization of their communities and furtherance of socialism in the US than you have ever done or will ever do, and have been doing it for DECADES, as continuations of movements doing it for EVEN LONGER. You’re participating as an active agent of white supremacy, colonialism, and imperialism. And as a particularly dull-bulb agent at that. Read more and humble yourself.

    • GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      This is why the saying ‘scratch liberal and a fascist bleeds’ exists. Out of one of your other breaths, I’m sure I can find posts of you talking about minorities and marginalized people suffering under Trump while ignoring that your own fucking neoliberal pieces of shit are doing the exact same things, you belong to a party of fascists.

      There’s a poem that starts off with ‘First they came’

      To understand that you would have to understand class solidarity, which liberals do not.