This seems great, thank you. Do you donate to them or is it good even for free users?
The free downloads are slow, but as books are usually small, it is perfectly usable without donating.
It’s alright for free. The slow downloads are still perfectly usable unless there are server-side issues, and they also provide links to other mirrors (, which is still up, Z-lib, and IPFS).
I can also see multiple instances of libgen. It’s not dead lol.
I didn’t know libgen was dead
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one of its many mirrors whenever its dead
Z-Library. Despite reports of its demise I’ve seen no interruption of service. And of course if there’s one I want to pay for I’ll buy a printed copy.
One of my university lecturers uses this, I could see it in his bookmarks while he cast his browser lol
I’m using the z-library app. It does the searching for me :)
Just needed to remake a Z-lib account recently (without an account you can read but not download I think), and an alias from simplelogin worked. With temp-mail services I wasnt getting the confirmation email. And I ain’t gonna use my domain for pirating, sorry :)
As they should
I’m out of the loop. What happened to libgen?
Apparently is down
Edit: It’s back up is still working for me
I can still visit this instance
Amazed no one has mentioned MyAnonamouse. They have open sign ups pretty regularly, the best private tracker I’ve ever seen. Great for ebook and audiobooks both.
Yeah I’ve never had to use anything other than MAM and and nobody mentioned either
Mobilism has been my first choice for over a decade, then if I can’t find it, MAM and leave the pc on for 72 hours lol
You just have to stay active as a community member and balance wedges and points for certain downloads. And have a strong no leaching policy
Yeah, I’ve gotten a lot from free leech and then just leave it running all the time to get points for other books.
How long has it been? It’s just a 502, happens sometimes.
couldn’t be that long. i was on the site a couple days ago.
The torrents are alive; as long as you can get the torrent links from libgen, you have access to the files. (No need to share whole archives either, you can pick & choose).
Nice. Althoigh it’s difficult to find a specific book via torrents, isn’t it?
Never knew it was dead, that’s a sad loss. Hope it comes back, I used to use there quite a lot.
the .rs one might be dead but afaik the .li fork is still up. And then there’s annas archive mirroring both and more.
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What telegram book groups would you recommend?
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