A man introduced as an undecided voter during a CNN segment following Kamala Harris’ speech on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention has a history of supporting MAGA online. CNN host Gary Tuchman said all panelists claimed to be undecided voters at that time.

MeidasTouch has uncovered that, despite telling CNN that he was an undecided voter who just decided to vote for Trump, Rosado has a substantial MAGA social media history, including a video of himself shooting an AK-47, which he purchased.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It wasn’t even a “big rifle”, it was an AK and this was their reasoning:

    An owner of such a weapon is unlikely to be undecided, as Kamala Harris has expressed support for banning assault weapons. Rosado’s social media history, reviewed by MeidasTouch, reveals that he has been posting pro-Trump content for years.

    She ain’t banning shit, Trump’s the one that was just banning shit on his own by executive order.

    Like, not even talking about if she should or not, or if she says she will. It’s just realistically not going to happen.

    • Zaktor
      7 months ago

      Also, “undecideds” are usually either people who don’t know anything about the political landscape and blow with the wind or people who do that have issues they favor that don’t neatly fall into the traditional alignments of the parties and haven’t decided which issue is more salient in this election. It turns out this guy was a partisan, but someone that really likes guns and really likes reproductive choice would be a pretty mundane reason for someone to be “undecided”.