Destruction at the international automobile checkpoint “Sudzha” on a satellite image

A satellite image taken on the morning of August 6 confirms serious damage at the Sudzha automobile border checkpoint in the Kursk region on the border with Ukraine. Earlier, a photograph of the checkpoint taken by a Ukrainian drone was published by Russian and Ukrainian Telegram channels. It is not yet clear whether this is the result of Ukrainian shelling and drone strikes, or, on the contrary, whether the checkpoint was damaged as a result of retaliatory actions by the Russian army.

A few hundred meters from the checkpoint is the Sudzha gas metering station, which, as oil and gas analyst Mikhail Krutikhin writes , is “the only entry point for Russian gas for transit through Ukraine.” Satellite images show no signs of damage to the station, and Russian Telegram channels write that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have established control over it. There is no independent confirmation of these statements. The contract for the transit of Russian gas was signed by Kiev and Moscow in 2019 and expires on December 31, 2024. Both sides have stated several times that they do not intend to extend it after this deadline.

Reports of fighting in Sudzha

Russian Telegram channels write that the fighting has already begun on the territory of the city of Sudzha in the Kursk region. Earlier, unconfirmed reports appeared that the city was under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces or, according to another version , “in operational encirclement.”