Like, why am I here?

For over 15 years now I feel like my life has lost any direction, and this years things had gotten only worse. I could get used to have zero friends and social life, and accepted the fact that I’ll remain eternally invisible to women, call it incel behaviour idgaf, I know women don’t want weak people like me, but that’s me, I won’t change, that’s my nature, my soul… Hell I realised that I couldn’t ever leave my mom’s home because I know I couldn’t live alone…

But now also being unemployed for almost a year now, after leaving my abusive, underpaid job full of bullies and tyrannic boss. Why my life had to end like this? I’m not a good person, I’m aware but I’ve seen awful people with money, women, married and kids, car, with their own house… And I can’t get a single thing? If I going to suffer like this until I get old and truly completely alone and homeless I’m better dying of a heart attack now.

Please, don’t give me advice (oh you need to fight, you make your own life worth it, self fulfilling prophecy) I’ve heard all that before and it won’t help me. I just needed to get this thing out of me, my “real” life is over.

And please don’t try to be a bully here. My comment is about my life, it shouldn’t bother you in any way.

    2 months ago

    Why should there be a point or meaning to life? I can’t even imagine what that point would be or who demands it. It doesn’t matter how successful someone is. One day they’ll die, and in a few decades, nobody will remember them anymore.

    Life is a sandbox game. You spawn in, and the timer starts ticking. You can spend that time doing whatever you want. If you want to spend it in your mom’s basement filled with self-pity, then that’s what your life will be. It’s your game; you’re free to play it however you want. It’s no different from Minecraft, really. If you’re not motivated to start punching trees and build something great because “there’s no point,” then have at it. Meanwhile I’ll be building this massive castle over here, which I’ll never finish, but that’s okay because it’s all about the journey, not the destination. Life is now.