Finally, a use for NFTs
Edit: Wait, nevermind, they said no throwing it away
Create a serverless function on alibaba that calls a serverless function on Azure, which calls a serverless function on gcp which calls a serverless function on Oracle cloud which loops it back to alibaba.
Now stick CloudFlare in between each step of that and we should hit 100M by Tuesday.
This basically the premise to Richard Pryor’s movie “Brewster’s Millions” except that one of the rules was that you cannot buy or own anything. At the end of the month you must have spent the money and have nothing to show for it.
The answer is politics. Spend it all on a political campaign.
I loved the bit where he spent a small pile of that money on an Inverted Jenny postage stamp then used it to send a postcard.
That is inherently a gift then, donation? No different that giving it away and morally lesser to giving to the poor. Breaks one of the rules.
Oh no. The no gifting rule is also in effect. It was his own political campaign.
Unless it is a superpac.
Lucky it was set in America.
The political campaign is actually the innovation of the film, which was an adaptation.
And then he realized that winning would break the rules, as the salary makes the position considered an asset, so he campaigned for “none of the above”. At the end of the movie, that option wins.
Okay, this nerd sniped me super hard. Sure you can spend it on a big massive project like a mansion or whatever, but you aren’t going to be able to have it finished (and thus paid for) in a month.
Not too mention if you do want to drop that much money at one, there’ll be many checks in place. Your bank will block your account for “suspicious activity”. The person who you are paying will probably want to run a background check or just refuse to take payment up front.
You’d have to justify where you got that money from as well, most likely, and saying a “genie” probably would get you some strange looks and perhaps arrested.
I legit don’t know how you’d actually get rid of that much money in a month.
I’m assuming that if the genie is giving you the money, magic will take care of some of those concerns.
Stocks, bonds, annuities
That’s equity. Not spent money, just less-directly-available cash… But if that doesn’t count, real estate technically doesn’t either… Really tough question, depending on the circumstance
Just pay people to be your shoppers and buy as much as they can for you. And give them a good salary for it. Hiring people is not giving it away, and they are buying the stuff for you. Or hire like a private concert with someone. So many things to spend money on.
Private concerts is a good one! And then hire overpriced organizers for those events, too :D
It is spent money, because you have to buy those shares from other people. It’s literally a purchase of part of a company from another party. Just because you can liquidate it easily it doesn’t mean it’s not spent.
Arguably gambling.
GICs then!
Edit: looks like GICs are only guaranteed up to $100,000.
But honestly if you consider stocks and bonds to be gambling then you could really argue that buying anything is a gamble. Buy $100 million worth of onions and the price will go up due to scarcity, then try to sell them. Someone actually did this years ago and made a ton of money while bankrupting a lot of farmers and investors. The government responded by banning the trading of onion futures!
All this is to say it’s actually impossible to fulfill the genie’s rules if you take into account market fluctuations on the price of anything you buy.
I hear there’s some politicians who enjoy “vacations with friends…”
Pay in advance
You could spend 100m in a day on real estate where I live. There are multiple 40-50m parcels available all over the place.
Buying property. You can close in 30 days, and if you are buying a bunch of property, you can hire people out to handle things and speed up the process, and if you put offers on a ton of property, you could probably close on a lot of them in 30 days. If you are waiving around $100m you could make a lot happen.
You’re going to fall foul of anti money laundering checks very hard and fast. There’s no way you’d be able to buy property, let alone in a month.
Create a company that specializes in finding loopholes in genie challenges, hire 5 people with a salary of 20 million USD/month, pay that company 100 million USD to find a loophole to be able to spend the money easily and realize that you aleady spent the money
That’s easy, buy all the real estate in an area that’s for sale, scarcity will drive up the value of the properties you have bought. Economics 101.
– This is sarcasm and is poking fun of wall street buying up all the property to be landlords, the world and economy are much more complicated than this… But, it is a quick way to spend $100m in 30 days
Takes a long time to close sales like that… Although I suspect paying above market rate for things would help grease the wheels.
Yeah I’m sure they’ll look the other way if you pay 1.5x the market price
We were spending more than $10M/month at my last job, but less than $100M.
I can spend $100M/month using only AWS CLI and a small shell script.
I get 100m up front, right?
a single university textbook
I bet you could do it. Go to the yacht store with your bank’s president
The reason it was hard for Brewster was that he had to do it without maintaining any assets afterwards. This doesn’t seem hard. Real estate. Done.
Yeah, this is easy. Find a house, airplane, or mega yacht that costs just over 100mm, offer 100mm cash today, then wait 29-30 days for your billion.
Just buy a house. Easy.
$100M of $VT, secure my ultra-comfortable retirement right then and there.
Wouldn’t even take a month, just prepay for those reserved instances.
I imagine your income tax would be a efficient method just gotta time opening the genie during tax season.