The crew of the “Punisher” attack unmanned aircraft of the sniper company 58 of the separate motorized infantry brigade is working. “Punisher” is translated from English as “Punisher”, and this plane fully justifies its name. Day and night, it operates in the deep rear, has extraordinary resistance against enemy electronic warfare equipment, uses a wide range of ammunition, which is dropped from a height of several hundred meters with extreme accuracy. destroy the enemy day and night.

We can confidently consider the crew of the Punisher plane of snipers-“callers” to be one of the most effective in the Armed Forces: to its credit, Russian tanks and self-propelled guns, ammunition warehouses and command posts, the station of the RB-301B automated radio electronic suppression complex “Borysoglebsk-2”, etc., were destroyed .

Our guys want to be even more effective and even more deadly to the enemy. They are currently raising funds to purchase the REX unmanned missile carrier, which is a “full kill chain drone” - that is, a drone that can independently conduct reconnaissance, detect and identify targets, destroy them, broadcast confirmation to headquarters and stay in the air to adjust friendly means as needed.

Main characteristics:

🔷 Combat radius - 50 km

🔷 Combat load - 10 kg

🔷 Broadcasting of digital protected video

🔷 Thermal camera with targeting

🔷 RE resistant radio communication system

🔷 The ability to strike with smart ammunition.

Donate to the official bank of the unit 👇: