I feel like collecting for the Atari 2600 and while I have other systems like the Sega Genesis, I would like to have your input on what system you think goes well with it…maybe the Intellivision or Colecovision due to being within the same era as the woodgrain or black bread box?
I’d go for the ColecoVision. The controller on the intellevision is strange, as are the graphics. Maybe that’s your thing, but as a kid I always wanted the coleco. Especially if you can find the racing controller for Turbo.
If I were to get an Intellivision, I’d spring for the Intellevision II model. Much cooler looking design and takes up less space. The only problem is if you get the speech module, finding one to match the later design language is harder.
I had a ColecoVision with the Atari 2600 adapter. Yes, they made an adapter for it.
The Colecovision is basically the Intellivisions cooler cousin.
Intellivision has some great games, I know for sure from experience (it’s what I grew up with before NES). Plus I always liked the idea of the overlays for the controller to tell you what buttons do what in the specific game you’re playing.
I think the Atari 400 is the best looking console of all time, but I’m extremely biased.
I’d never be able to look at the membrane keyboard and not scowl.
I did say it was the best looking…
I validate you. I like the Atari 400 too.
The Genesis pairs well with anything.
You can use Genesis controllers on the 2600 too.
Good point! And both also work (mostly) with a Commodore 64.
Don’t do it! https://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43994
That’s good to know.
My C64 survived a bunch of this abuse, but I would hate for the remaining ones to suffer!
the 2600 and a sega Genesis is the best pair since you can swap controllers between the two systems.
A ColecoVision, with the Atari 2600 adapter.
Why not both?
I had a 2600; my best friend had an intellivision. Both systems had good games, I think the actual gameplay was better on the 2600, but intelivision had some great games
Do whatever you think works best.
Vectrex with Star Castle!
Magnavox Odyssey
Right…that was the very first console of all.
I thought the question was building up to a punchline.
I’d say the ZX Spectrum has similar vibes.
Intellivision https://youtu.be/aYLly625cXE?feature=shared
Agreed. :)
TurboGrafx 16