She should be embarrassed she’s such a fraud. What a disservice to her followers and FitGlow’s followers. FitGlow should be embarrassed, too.

    4 months ago

    Not that it will help, but a lot of us (like me) are here to call her out on her refusal to call out things like genocide, and her refusal to say anything to support the LGBTQIA2S community or body autonomy (I see from Sam, her other comments that you’ve posted on that you are not OK with people being complicit in genocide, and this influencer has been completely silent , even endorsing products on the BDS list).

    This isn’t a celebrity. This is someone who built a platform by selling crummy products to people, to the point where she’s made a name for herself, and has the means to use her platform to help a lot of people, and she is just continuing to be greedy and unethical. I attend protests, donate to community organizations and volunteer my time, and I definitely am active politically. So when I see people who are white cis privileged women being amplified over marginalized people who are making a difference in the world o call it out.