This “sauna” weather isn’t the best for bikepacking, I had to take breaks pretty often. There is cherry season so you always find “reason” to stop for some “snack”.

    7 months ago

    It was not bike touring or packing (just riding for fitness and recreation), but Saturday I was out for a ride and had to cut it short a few miles.

    I was about 53 miles (85 km) into a 70 mile (112 km) ride when I realize my heart rate was MUCH higher than the level of effort I felt I was putting out. I’m not sure what that means, but it couldn’t be a good sign - at the very least, it meant I was burning way more energy than I should be to finish the ride. This was supposed to be a zone 2 or 3 cruise, not a zone 4 or 5 hammerfest.

    By that point it was around 90 F (32 C). I had finished a full bottle of water, plus another bottle that was a mix of gatorade and water. Earlier, I had stopped and got enough cold water to refill one water bottle completely, and the other about 2/3rds. That should have been enough, and if not there was another gas station I could have stopped at to get more. So I felt pretty good about my hydration situation throughout the ride. I was never thirsty.

    Given the situation and the heat, I decided to cut the ride short. I started riding in the lower gears for cruising and climbing, and trying to build a little momentum with higher gears when descending. I finished with 63.5 miles (~102 km) total, so not bad. I was eventually able to get my heart rate back down into zone 3 range.

    I think I just overdid it - pushed too hard early on. I really didn’t think I was, but it was hot and humid, so I probably didn’t take that into account well enough. Also, while I’ve ridden quite a few metric centuries this year (long story), the longest ride I’ve done lately was just under 50 miles (80 km), and that had a long break at mile 16 (25 km), so surely that was a factor as well - maybe I just tried to jump too far.

    Also, I’d hoped to get on the road by 6 a.m. but ended up leaving around 6:45 a.m. - an earlier departure would have meant I was that much farther along when the heat really rolled in. Hopefully this crazy heat breaks - I’d like to do 100 miles on July 4 if I can.