Imagine using the ideas and wording from a dead pastor (Darrin Patrick) who unalived himself in 2020 to manipulate other people into believing you’re authentic. 😬🫣🤯 Imagine planning out this content, including getting a set of binoculars, setting up cameras, filters, and taking all that time out of your day, time away from kids and real life, to prove you don’t give a fuck. 🤣 Imagine pretending you give two shits about anybody but yourself. Girl, go home. Look in a real mirror, maybe read a book.

    14 days ago

    Her heart is wiser? Then she should speak up about Palestine! She should post about trans rights AND keep posts up. A wiser heart would Boycott Coke instead of putting it in her stories. A wiser heart would stop flying everywhere when the world is on fire and climate experts have said FLYING is AWFUL for carbon emissions. A wise heart would know to stop buying clothing constantly from companies that are having their products manufactured it countries that are not monitoring labor policies and water usage. A wiser heart would not put their own kids on a public account for strangers to see. I frankly don’t care what she actually looks like physically.

      14 days ago

      Her heart is only wiser when it comes to comments about her body. She’s only interested in the superficial. Her pond is very shallow. I know you don’t care what she looks like and I would guess most people don’t but that’s ALL she cares about to the exclusion of everything else. She cares about nothing important.