It’s a one-time payment. You can spend it on anything fitness or health related.
Edit: I’m not looking for recommendations, I’m curious what YOU would spend it on.
I have $200 to spend on fitness. I don’t spend them.
Relatable, but I want to spend it once.
If there’s a secondhand store near you, I highly recommend that. A lot of people will buy, say, an exercise bike, and then sell it because they don’t use it. End result: you get something that’s practically new, but much cheaper!
Great suggestion
Maybe a fitness club / gym membership? Or depending on where you’re at maybe a consult with a personal trainer or something.
Good idea
A sturdy, used, road-oriented bicycle. $200 won’t get anything too fancy, but cycling is a low-impact activity that – given the right places to bike – is meditative, improves cardio, facilitates independent exploration, and also happens to double as transportation.
I specifically say “road oriented” because I don’t want to necessarily endorse all road bikes, like the ones with carbon fibre or “Tour de France” pedigree. Likewise, mountain bikes with full-suspension sap energy away from the steady cadence ideal for a good workout, in addition to generally costing more or delivering less-than-stellar performance at low price points.
In the US? A National Parks Pass and snacks for the long hikes.
Fresh pair of climbing shoes
Are shoes important for climbing? I did consider paying for a climbing gym session
Yeah you wear specific shoes and they make different styles of shoes for different types of climbing. I pay for a monthly membership so the 200 could go to that as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Eyyy have you seen my woody on my profile? It was $305 so it doesn’t qualify for OP’s question, but I feel it’s in the same spirit. Plus, I always love seeing more of my people in this corner of the internet - hello!
(I need to learn how to make instance-agnostic links)
Talk about risky click of the day lol. That thing is sick! For 300 that is awesome, you got a build process or anything?
Thanks! :D Like a tutorial? So the plywood is screwed to five wooden spines, and the spines attach to perpendicular ceiling joists using joist hangers, simpson ties, and angle iron from an old bed frame. For the holds, you pretty much get a flat surface using a miter saw, drill a hole with a drill press, shape it with the miter, and then sand to comfortize. A router can also help with shaping if you have one. I wish I had a photo album to go with this but I didn’t take too many as I went. Anyway, cheers! :)
Yo that’s perfect, I’ve been wanting to put something up in my side yard and I’ll definitely try your build.
Oh snap that’d be awesome! Please let me know if you have questions, I’d be happy to help! I can always pop out and take pictures of anything you’re curious about, no problem. Stoked for you! :D
Yo your $305 woody really rocks
Ayy *finger guns*
A pair of running shoes, a heart rate monitor, and bodyglide. Intro to running kit more or less
Had to google bodyglide, but these are all good suggestions
That’s one specific brand, there’s others out there like squirrel’s nut butter, but bodyglide is the one I prefer!
100% suggest body glide for a summer run over 4 miles
Polar HR band is BTLE and ANT+ so compatible with many devices including phone and garmins.
Honestly I’d stay away from polar, both mine and my fathers polar hrt monitors basically stopped working. Don’t remember what my current one is though.
I got the H10 in 2017 when it came out (my gym used them for group exercise) and it still works great.
Really depends what you’ve already got and what you want, fitness is such a vague term tbh.
I’d personally start with putting it towards gym membership for however many months.
Assuming I already had that tho, I’d buy Versa Gripps for lifting. I say I would, I actually bought a pair today…
Besides lifting I only do cycling, so prob spend on a service and new parts.
I’m not looking for recommendations so much as curious what other people would do. I’d love to hear an update on how you’re liking the versa gripps after you use them for a while - been contemplating wrist straps for deadlifts myself
Garmin GPS watch. Mine was about tree fiddy but $200 off would be nice.
I’ve used credits like this on a gym membership.
I’d say get an older or refurbished Apple Watch or other fitness tracker. I got one 1.5 years ago, haven’t missed a single day of reaching my daily exercise goals. My SO got one years before me but I never saw the incentive, and now we both have one, we keep each other on track. From doing nothing ever I now have at least a 5km hike or run every single day.
I have one and I agree that it’s great for motivation and accountability
Almost enough to buy a water bottle
Wow, why is it so expensive? I might consider paying that much for a water bottle if it contained a magical spring.
It’s titanium. That’s why it’s so expensive.
You can get a good titanium water bottle for a quarter of that price lmfao, it’s pure aesthetics and branding
Learned something new today!
Okay, my answer:
- Try a class for a new type of sport/activity
- Get a massage
- New gear for your current favorite activity
- Something useful like sports bra, socks, water bottle etc.
Protein powder and dietary supplements.
A used exercise bike for days I can’t ride outside.
I’d get a unicycle. It’s been a while, but I do know how to mount and ride them.
Fun idea!
A speed bag. There’s something about them that I just find so relaxing.