Ich habe noch nie darüber nachgedacht, dass wir Menschen im deutschpsrachigen Raum haben, für die der gregorianische Kalender nicht der intuitive Standard ist.
Ich habe noch nie darüber nachgedacht, dass wir Menschen im deutschpsrachigen Raum haben, für die der gregorianische Kalender nicht der intuitive Standard ist.
Is that a new speedrunning category? How often can you beat the game before the battery runs out?
Well, bad instructions still are bad instructions, regardless of the user.
What could possibly be preferrable to git switch -c <branchname>
The last is just a normal git workflow, isn’t it?
It’s incredible that cashiers aren’t taught this.
Paraphrasing a Scandinavian who gave an interview I once saw in a TV documentary about the correction system in some nordic country:
Once that perpetrator gets out of prison and rents an apartment next to you, would you rather he was subject to inhumane punishment? Or would you rather he was treated like a human being and learned how to behave in society?
That’s… ambiguous.
High temperature isn’t there to kill pathogens. Instead it’s there to help the immune system, because biochemistry (chemistry in general) works better in higher temperatures.
Source: “Immune” by Philipp Dettmer.
Wenn man nicht weiß, ob man irgendwas nicht mitgekriegt hat, ob alle anderen plötzlich dumm sind oder ob man selbst einen Schlaganfall hat…
You took a great deal of liberty in interpreting my comment. There is no anti-intellectualism there. That’s all in your head. My statement “I can create plasma using a candle and a microwave” was aimed at the reporters.
When the research is aimed at eventually building a power plant, then running the process for several minutes without even guesstimating an efficiency factor (or not reporting on it) seems very odd. We can be sure that energy was set free, which the researches must have had to dispose of somehow. I can’t imagine that they just blindly dumped it somehow without even checking how close their dumping process was to failing.
If you’d like to know what a constructive answer would’ve looked like, this is one: https://feddit.nl/comment/15463960
Ihr teilt euch ein Portmonee und bezahlt daraus auch die persönlichen Wünsche?
Thanks for the heads-up. I just checked the German Wikipedia article. Apparently there are several ‘levels’ of pasteurization ranging from 70°C through 150°C. Since I’ve only encountered the kill-all-that-has-ever-lived kind (UHT), I assumed that’s what everyone does.
Not a word about how much energy went into the process and how much was harvested…
I can create plasma using a candle and a microwave.
About one third of this image is content.
Mein Pizzamann ist überlastet. Keine Pizza für mich :"'(
Dabei hatte ich mich den halben Tag darauf gefreut.
I was referring to Arrhenius’ equation. Of course that doesn’t apply anymore when you reach denaturation temperatures. Very high fevers are deadly.