Biking in this petiod can be a pain for people with pollen allergy.

Do you gave any tip to share? Do you wear a mask? What kind? Anything to protect your eyes?

Thsnk you

(Picture source: Brainwashed )

  • MentalEdge
    10 months ago

    Local antihistamine medication is extremely effective.

    Usually feel it in the eyes? Eye drops.

    Nose? Nasal spray.

    Lungs/throat? Inhaler.

    My eyes especially, react quite violently, and eye drops provide instant relief. And by administering right before heading out, I can be good for hours.

    I also use a nasal spray, though that requires a bit more forethought. If you get symptoms and your nose starts running, that same mucus is gonna prevent the aerosolised medication from getting to the irritated mucus membrane, so it can’t be used to relieve symptoms once they start.